The Fro Speaks – #1

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Iโ€™m a writer.

Woah, did I just write that? Sorry. Itโ€™s weird though – to just, state it like that. 

But itโ€™s true. Thatโ€™s who I am and what I do! 

Lyricism asideโ€ฆ

Youโ€™re asking yourself a few questions – more or less to do with โ€œWhat is this place? Why should I care?โ€ and Iโ€™ll get to those essentials in very short order here.

The short version, for now, is that Clint and I are doing this YouTube show entitled Coffee & Cannabis, where we challenge each other to keep reading, writing, and creating – with weekly prompts and book recommendations for ourselves and for you, the viewer. Not to mention, Clint and I share some of our own struggles and insights when it comes to the writing process; my hope is that, as we continue this series, you’ll get to see us really engage with and (hopefully) overcome many of the challenges that writers face – from something as simple as a lack of motivation to something a little more complex such as how much of yourself is ‘okay’ to put into your work.

Our amazing new logo, “Coffee-Pot”, courtesy of Evalina and Katy. You NEED to keep an eye on these two and their artistry – I tell you now, they’re going places!

First, though, we have the BIG one: why did I decide to do Coffee & Cannabis

The reality is that I love coffee and I am not only a casual user but also a strong advocate for marijuana in all of its forms aside from your friendly neighborhood jazz cabbage. I also support the regulation of marijuana and growing practices (but really think we should let people out of jail for marijuana-related charges because it’s kind of whack to make something legal than continue to keep people in jail for it).ย 

Beyond all that, the show itself has very little to do with either coffee or cannabis. In actuality, itโ€™s about my opening statement to this blog post:

Iโ€™m a writer.

Pictured: Me (Austin), contemplating lighting my computer on-fire while writing The Gaia Prophecy… and realizing I need to shave, probably.

From writing ‘fractured fairy-tales’ and Super Mario Bros. inspired short stories in grade four, to the short stories and poems that welled forth during my last two years of high school, and the eventual explosion of writing Iโ€™d do in universityโ€ฆ yeah, Iโ€™d say Iโ€™ve been at it for awhile.

Not without many a stumble, full-on trip and, more often than not, fall.

Though, as Micheal Caineโ€™s Alfred reminds Christian Baleโ€™s Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins (2005), โ€œWhy do we fall?โ€

Batman Begins Beat Sheet
A still from Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins (2005).

Young Bruceโ€™s fall down a well isnโ€™t quite the same kind of trauma Iโ€™ve faced in my life – Iโ€™d say Iโ€™m relatively privileged on that front.

And, honestly, my pain is something I draw from when it comes to my writing – it just inspires the emotions that I really dig into when the words pour out of me. Kind of (to find the nerdiest possible analogy) like Bruce Wayne draws on his own fears to don the cape and cowl. Definitely not saying that I ‘save’ people as a writer – if anything, I’m saving myself from drowning in thoughts and ideas that would have nowhere else to go! Nonetheless, the idea of transforming pain into something progressive and (hopefully) productive is a relatable pursuit.

THE BATMAN: Take A Closer Look At The New Batsuit With These Hi ...
Still taken from the camera test released for Matt Reeves’ The Batman (2021).

I continue to learn so much about myself and how I see the world through my own writing; it’s been awhile since I’ve given my inner voice any actual leeway. In the past (far and recent), I have chosen to maintain unhealthy – even toxic patterns in my life. And that’s something that I plan to write about too. Not right this second though.

Instead, I’m going to turn – like I have been – to what is going on in the world: from massive, ongoing Black Lives Matter protests to the dangerous, unreal Russian roulette that is American politics at present.;w=960;h=640;bgcolor=000000;w=960;h=640;bgcolor=000000;w=960;h=640;bgcolor=000000
Our Black Lives Matter protest here in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Photos by Doug Diaczuk at

I’m going to turn to the fact that I live in a country which mysteriously struggles to maintain access to safe drinking water for its citizens. Like Autumn Peltier posited to a UN forum in Manhattan this past September,

“All across these lands, we know somewhere where someone can’t drink the water. Why so many, and why have they gone without for so long?”


And, hell, we both know that the problems I’m mentioning here are just few of the many society may or may not be waking up to.

I would be remiss not to acknowledge how all of that funnels into and influences my writing though – particularly as a young, biracial man who cannot afford to stay silent.

Ultimately, that brings me to the question of what sort of power art holds in society? What can my writing do to potentially inspire change?

A visual poem by Me (Austin).

Well, I guess the harshest reality is that it may never inspire change… but does that mean you or I shouldn’t write? That I shouldn’t be here drafting up this blog post or continuing to finally flesh out ideas I’ve had for a decade (or so) by filling these blank lines, these empty pages?

I think my fav historical figure – or one of many, I should say – Mr. Frederick Douglass, would argue that, much like reading, “once you learn to [write], you will be forever free.”

Frederick Douglass - Hillsdale College
Frederick Douglass aka the man who taught me Knowledge is the true Power.

The two, to my mind, go hand-in-hand.

So take time to get inspired – especially if you’re a creative individual who hasn’t given yourself enough time to explore that side of yourself.

Otherwise (and a little more specifically), I think it is vastly important for everyone to continue reading and writing way beyond schooling. Having marked a number of student papers at this point in my life… PLEASE don’t let your kids stop reading books and writing things by hand.

Okay, okay, there’s the old-fashioned coming out in me. Damn. I got some kinks to work out I suppose, but don’t we all?

Oh look! Another digression by me…

Back to being inspired:

There are a number of artists who inspire me – local artists, especially, such as Melissa Wright (who I don’t know personally but am a huge fan of)…
“Wanderer” by Melissa Wright. A print that I own and cherish unendingly; it served as visual inspiration for The Gaia Prophecy. Checkout/BUY Melissa’s work at her Etsy shop!

… or our logo designers, Evalina Sacchetti and Katy Poirier.

Visual art and wholesome humans whom I vibe with on levels that are hard for me to convey in mere written words.

The talent here is unreal. Just a few small samples, my friends.

Speaking of running out of words and not knowing how to convey what you’re thinking, I’m just gonna leave you with these videos.

If you want a peep into the pastiche of weird, zany, metaphor that is my brain, here ya go (for now):


One response to “The Fro Speaks – #1”

  1. […] Clint just got looking nice and new and shiny for us – to read new posts from both Clint and I! I will be posting regularly on both […]


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