The Fro Speaks – #3

Morning of the Living Dead (2020)

I’m tired, y’all.

I wanted to embed the prologue to The Gaia Prophecy in this post but WordPress requires you to own a ‘Business’ account to install plugins – such as the one that lets you embed PDF documents.

However, the solution is merely a click away…

Read it and weep:

Actually, you probably shouldn’t weep. But if you do, let me know. I can’t refund you your money because you haven’t paid me anything other than maybe ten minutes of your time.

No, no, ten minutes is a lot. I agree. It’s just… eventually I’ll be asking you to maybe, kinda, sorta read a whole novel I wrote.

Your face right now. Sawry, I’m a writer – I write novels!

Tim Burton’s Batman Returns (1992) is on right now in the background while I sort through piles of documents and do other fun file-y things (note: there is a touch of sarcasm on that ‘fun’ part when it comes to the filing).

Danny DeVito gets it.

Then, I have a short story to read.

Did I mention I need sleep?

Been having dreams of a Batman movie that adapts Hush and uses this in the soundtrack.


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